(02) 4943 6511 reception@whitebridgemedical.com.au

Medical certificate request portal

This service does not replace a medical consultation. 

If you think you need to be seen by a doctor or need medical advice regarding your condition please either call the practice in hours or an appropriate out of hours service  such as GP access on (1300 130 147) or emergency services (000). 

Medical certificates will only be issued for existing patients of Whitebridge Medical Centre. 

Requests through this portal can only be generated for one days sick leave. Certificates longer than this will require a consultation with one of our GPs.

This service does not provide workcover certificates or carers certificates 

All certificate requests are reviewed and signed off by one of the practice GPs. If the GP does to think the request is appropriate your fee will be refunded.   


Contact details

Certificate details

Please ensure you provide as much detail as possible as this information helps determine if the doctor can issue you a medical certificate.